On This Day


100 years ago

Hayden school is denied standing

Hayden high school will be without a commission again next year, the decision having been reached by the state board of education at a meeting held at Indianapolis Friday when the matter was brought before the board.

patrons of the school, Shepherd Whitcomb, county superintendent of schools, the township trustee, H.P. Maloy, attorney at North Vernon for the school patrons and a number of patrons were among those who appeared before the board and testified as to conditions.

75 years ago

Seaman apprentice visits French Riviera

Victor T. Fettig, seaman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Fettig, 219 Johnson street, recently visited the French Riviera as a crew member of the aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea when she was anchored in Cannes, France.

Fettig, who entered the Naval service June 7, 1949, received his recruit training at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill.

Before entering the Navy he attended Shields High School.

50 years ago

Dedication of underpass is scheduled Aug. 27

Dedication of the new underpass connecting U.S. 50 with Community Drive and West Second street is tentatively set for August 27 at 10 a.m., Mayor Christopher D. Moritz announced today.

25 years ago

New road calls: Travel, hobbies beckon teacher

Longtime teacher Janet Nehrt says kids today need a lot of love and care to keep them on the right road in life.

That’s exactly what she tried to provide during her 21 years as a teacher, Nehrt said. She won’t be back in the classroom this fall, however, opting instead for retirement and a chance to pursue other interests.

Nehrt taught the middle grades for 21 years at Crothersville Community Schools during a career that began in 1962 and included a year at Seymour.

During those years she said she always took care to help her students in whatever way was needed.

“I enjoy teaching,” Nehrt says. “I love kids and enjoy children. They add a sparkle to life.”

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