Kum Join Us Extension Homemakers meet at Borchers


By Karen Hendrix | For The Tribune

Our Kum Join Us Extension Homemakers met on June 4 at St. Paul Lutheran Church Borchers with Skye Zakrzewski hosting.

She served a delicious array of food consisting of homemade chicken and egg salad on croissants, fresh rhubarb ginger squares, homemade Big Red ice cream and other delicious items.

Olga Otte opened the meeting with our club creed and the Pledge of Allegiance followed by our question of the month. Everyone was asked about their favorite family vacation memory. This sparked some great memories from everyone and the talk around the table began.

We all had something interesting to share from tourist trips on backroads, river cruises, tide pools in Nova Scotia, a Mediterranean cruise, camel rides in Giza, one trip that included five state parks out west, a wedding on a rooftop across from the capitol in Washington, D.C., an entire family being stung by bees while hiking along a trail in Brazil and having to go to the ER, and the last family vacation with all six members of one family to Niagara Falls, New York City and D.C. What a wide variety of cities and countries visited from such a small group.

I read the secretary’s report from May and Michelle Wood gave us the treasurer’s report.

We discussed our possible fair queen candidate. We’re still hoping for that to be finalized.

Otte discussed the Mother’s Day Tea outing at Redeemer Lutheran Church. We had a lot of winners again this year for prizes. What a lucky bunch we are.

She also read the monthly joke. “What’s taken before you get it? Your picture!”

Our June quote was from Margaret Mead. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Otte asked who would be taking items to the fair and suggested we take framed photographs, crafts or antiques. The date to take items can be found in the Jackson County Fair brochure. The family arts building is currently undergoing renovations to make your trips to the fair this year more enjoyable. You should all check it out. Hint, it will be a little cooler in this building this year.

Ottte showed everyone photos of places she and Karen Wiesehan would be visiting during their upcoming Germany trip. It will be Olga’s second visit to Germany and Karen’s first.

Olga discussed an article from a magazine called “Trend and Tradition” about Colonial Williamsburg. The article stated the first school for Black slave children began as what was known as The Bray School. It started as a way to introduce slave children to Christianity. A set of rules drawn up in 1762 directed the teacher to instruct her students “in the principles of Christian religion” and to teach them that “Christians are commanded to be faithful and obedient to their masters.” They were taught to read, write and cipher. The slave owners didn’t want the children to become educated for fear they would run away. The school was somewhat used as a nursery. By doing this, the mother could continue working sooner. Once the children were old enough to work, they were no longer allowed at school to learn these basics.

The 18th century cottage was later moved to a new location and housed the Department of Military Office at William and Mary University. It was said the original location was discovered when more than 40 fragments of slate pencils were uncovered by archaeologists between 2012-2014. It was also interesting to learn Benjamin Franklin became involved in the education of these children. It was his thought if the school had an overseer from the college that it would be protected from its many skeptics. This was an excellent article. I hope you can find time to read about the Bray School for all it’s wonderful information both past and present.

Skye’s devotions were from Joyce Meyer’s book titled “Starting your day right.” Proverbs 4:6 tells us to Forsake not (wisdom), and she will keep, defend and protect you, love her and she will guard you.

Phillippians 4:13 promises that Christ will empower you for anything you must face. He will make you ready for anything and equal to all challenges by infusing you with inner strength. She goes on to further tell us that God will never put you in a position to do something without giving you the strength and the ability to do it. You can relax and enjoy your life, for God will “strengthen you and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out His will; while He Himself works in you and accomplishes that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:21.

What a great meeting with lots of table talk. Anyone wishing to become a part of our club or one near you, please contact the extension office at 812-522-6111. We have clubs located around Jackson County with meeting times varying from afternoon to evenings. As usual, don’t forget to stay connected.

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