Clearspring Church to host second annual Roots Festival


Clearspring Baptist Church and Clearspring Cemetery Association are preparing for Memorial Day with the second Owen Township Roots Festival.

The purpose of the festival is to raise money for the cemetery and raise awareness for the food pantry the church hosts. The festival will be from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday at 3248 N. Broadway St., Norman.

Food, booths and a music stage featuring local artist Colt Wienhorst will be at the festival. Additionally, Six Scoops will bring their ice cream truck and give out free scoops for the first 200 people who donate to the food pantry.

“Last year’s event was a huge success,” said Amanda Cooper, Roots Festival event chair. “The overwhelming response from the community was very positive.”

It’s not too late to be a vendor at the event. For those interested in having a booth set up for the event contact the Clearspring Cemetery Association on their Facebook page at

Those who are setting up booths need to bring their own tables, power and other equipment they may need.

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