On This Day


100 years ago

Newkirk turns over dog money

Edward Newkirk, Jackson township assessor, has turned his 1924 dog tax collection over to Lewis Auffenberg, township trustee, the total turned over being $1,347.

Mr. Newkirk states that he has had an unusual number of reports of dogs killed in accidents and poisoned since the assessments were made and paid and he refunded in all $20 to owners of dogs who have lost their animals since they were assessed.

75 years ago

Six blood donors go to aid Seymour woman

Three blood donors went to Robert Long Hospital, Indianapolis, Friday afternoon and three more went this morning to give blood for a Seymour woman, a patient critically ill at the hospital. They were taken to Indianapolis by Mrs. Dora Reynolds; executive secretary of the Jackson County Chapter of the American Red Cross.

50 years ago

Nostalgia keynotes after-prom

In a nostalgic vein, theme of the 1974 after-prom given by parents of juniors and seniors of Seymour High School in the National Guard Armory in the wee hours of this morning, following the Prom Friday night at the school was “They Way We Were.”

Blown-up pictures of local school groups from kindergarten days adorned the walls of the Armory, contrasting with stark black walls and illuminated by overhead spotlights.

25 years ago

Tournament may mean more bucks for local business

Tournaments that come to a town often generate a good sum of money, including local restaurants and motel which reap the benefits. Today will be a test for Seymour as it embraces the first annual Seymour Ladies Classic, sponsored by the Seymour Soccer Association.

With 26 teams competing and nearly 400 girls in one city, plus their parents and friends, profits could jump by 10 to 15 percent.

“It is very hard to tell because of the weather and plus it being the first year for the tourney,” Steak ‘N Shake General Manager Linda Toppe said.

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