Local students welcomed to Statehouse


Indiana District 44 Sen. Eric Koch, R-Bedford, welcomed two Seymour Middle School students — Lorelai Christiansen and Emma Dippold — to the Statehouse in Indianapolis when they served as Senate pages in January.

Pages spend a day at the Statehouse touring the historic building, observing debates from the Senate floor and interacting with their state senator.

“The page program is an excellent way for students to become involved in state government,” Koch said. “I always enjoy meeting pages from my district, and I encourage all students to participate in this unique program.”

Students in grades 6 through 12 participate in the page program on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during the legislative session. Groups serve on Wednesdays.

To learn more about the program, visit indianasenaterepublicans.com/page-program.

District 44 includes Jackson, Brown, Lawrence and Orange counties and a portion of Monroe County.

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