Crothersville school board meets


The Crothersville Community School Corp. board of school trustees met Dec. 11 at the central administration building.

Several personnel matters were approved. They include Tammy Robbins, English Club sponsor; Delcie Pace, Drama Club sponsor; Tammy Hensley, junior-senior high school robotics sponsor; Tiffany Orrill, elementary robotics sponsor; and Marc Bowman, technology support technician.

The board also approved the second readings to adopt the gift and favors policy and the conflict of interest policy, appointment of Eunice Lacey to the Jackson County Public Library board and a resolution to keep the donation of funds to the Community Foundation of Jackson County status quo with no additional school corporation monies in 2024.

During superintendent updates, Chrystal Street introduced the students of the month, Sophie Lewis from Karra Hercamp’s first grade class and Paisley Bell from Olivia Cain’s fifth grade class, and she announced Whitney Douglas was hired to lead the Jobs for America’s Graduates program.

During board communications, Vice President Tiffany Reynolds announced The Helping Hearts Holiday Tree is in full swing and helping 75 kids from Crothersville this year.

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