Medora honors R.E.D. Hornets of the Month


MEDORA — This month, Medora Community School Corp. recognized multiple students for their qualities, such as responsibility, empathy and determination, known as R.E.D. Hornets of the Month.

During Monday night’s board of school trustees meeting, September and October R.E.D. Hornets of the Month were honored.

Those honored for September include sophomore Miley Howell for her hard work in the classroom, sophomore Jacqueline Garcia for always helping her peers and sophomore Angel Chan-Cux for his determination.

Principal Kara Hunt introduced the honorees to trustees and read statements from their teachers.

Math teacher Kyle Derheimer said Howell is a hardworking student, and he loves having her in his geometry class.

“Miley is a soft-spoken and kind soul,” English language arts teacher teacher Rebecca Lanier said. “She cares about her work and is a dependable and responsible student. Her determination to succeed is shown in her work.”

Science teacher Leah Young said Howell is a pleasure to have in class and is very well behaved and well mannered.

Garcia was recognized for her kindness and helpfulness.

“Jacqueline is a great student,” Young said. “She always does her best work and is great at helping others and myself when needed.”

Derheimer said Garcia has always been one of his top math students, and he is very proud of all of the work she has put into geometry this year. He added he appreciates all of the hard work she has put into all of the math classes she has had with him over the past couple of years.

“Jacqueline is a creative, enthusiastic and fun student to have in class,” Lanier said. “She is also an excellent addition to the student council. She shows empathy toward her teachers and peers through her kindness and joy.”

Chan-Cux was honored for his motivation and being responsible with his work.

“Angel is a great student and has great manners,” Young said. “He never fails to greet me with a ‘Good morning, miss’ every morning.”

Derheimer said Chan-Cux is a hardworking student and has an intrinsic motivation that a lot of other students don’t have. He added that he has seen how much he has grown and matured since the beginning of his freshman year.

“Angel is a fun and humorous student with a big heart,” Lanier said. “He adds valuable analysis to every discussion and keeps everyone on their toes with his wit. He’s responsible and determined to succeed.”

Hunt also recognized the October R.E.D. Hornets of the Month and introduced them to the board.

Those recognized include senior Levi Emmons for his empathy, junior Dawson Cornett for always striving for success and seventh-grader Audie Starr for her leadership.

Young said Emmons has great manners and is always helpful.

“Levi is a sweet and responsible guy,” Lanier wrote. “He has stepped into the shoes of Shepard Earl this year and is my most dependable student. That is a true compliment. He is empathetic and truly understands that teachers are people, too. I hope his influence on other students will inspire them to be responsible and empathetic.”

Cornett was honored for his hard work in the classroom.

“Dawson is a great student and always does his best work,” Young said. “He is a pleasure to have in class.”

Computer science teacher Riley Morris said Cornett is respectful and hardworking.

“Dawson is a good student who strives for success in all areas of his life and exhibits responsibility in all that he does,” Lanier wrote. “He works hard and cares about the results of his work. In addition, he is always in a fun mood and adding brightness to the classroom atmosphere.”

Starr was recognized for her willingness to help others.

“She is such a wonderful student,” Young said. “I love having her in class. She is always willing to help others and myself when needed.”

Morris said Starr loves school and often takes a leadership role in projects. He added she has been a vital part of Medora Hornets Media so far this year.

“Audie always keeps the class lively and brings a positive energy to the class,” math teacher Angela Pritchett said. “She has a great sense of humor. She is one of my hardest working students and is always willing to help out in any way she can.”

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