Friends and Neighbors club meets


By Helen Lutes

For The Tribune

Nine members of the Friends and Neighbors Extension Homemakers Club met Sept. 26 in the pool house at the home of Vera Robbins.

Robbins read the minutes of a meeting at Dr. Ken and Carol Bobb’s home dated Dec. 31, 2002. Ah, memories.

The club members enjoyed all of the antiques from the family farm used to decorate the pool house and surrounding area. With the assistance of her daughter, Karen James, she then served a luncheon consisting of two kinds of quiche, deviled eggs, Jell-O, spinach dip, fresh fruit, mini muffins and chocolate chip cookies.

President Ruby Niccum opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and club creed. The secretary and treasurer reports were presented and approved.

Song leader Jan Caplinger discussed that instead of a song, she had picked one word from a song, Jesus. Ruth Bateman spoke up with “Sweetest name I know.”

Devotion leader Ruth Bateman passed around several cards with well-known scripture verses. Each person then read from their card, for example, “Great is they faithfulness; trust in the Lord with all your heart.”

Robbins had several quilts she and her daughters had made. She explained the patterns and materials in each one. She then displayed a framed picture and inquired if anyone knew its origin, etc. The picture was made by her husband George’s grandmother out of human hair.

Rhonda Kidwell gave a lesson on will making. She distributed a single sheet listing several what ifs.

The next meeting will be Oct. 24 with Mary Jo Morris hosting.

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