Salvation Army seeks help with bell ringing campaign


The Salvation Army of Jackson County is looking for volunteers or a volunteer group to help with the upcoming 2023 Red Kettle Campaign.

The dates for this year’s campaign are Nov. 18 through Dec. 24. Responsibilities would include assisting with the daily schedule, being available at the beginning and/or the end of the day to start and end bell ringing shifts and helping ensure all equipment remains in good condition.

Anyone interested in learning more of the details and expectations of helping with the 2023 campaign in this way, contact [email protected] or call or text 812-340-2640.

All money raised in Jackson County stays in the county and will be used to provide emergency assistance to those in need throughout 2024.

Gordon Hoag, southern liaison for The Salvation Army Indiana District, said not only will the community benefit but those who volunteer also will be blessed.

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