Brownstown school board to meet Monday


The Brownstown Central Community School Corp. board of school trustees is scheduled to meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the administration building, 608 W. Commerce St., Brownstown.

Agenda items include public hearings for comment on prebargaining negotiations with the Brownstown Central Classroom Teachers Association; the lease for a project to add a gymnasium and replace the HVAC system at Brownstown Elementary School; the 2024-26 capital projects plan; and the 2024-28 bus replacement plan.

The board also will consider a resolution authorizing a lease for the elementary school project; receive reports from principals and information about the August students of the month; and consider interim treasurer and part-time human resources positions.

The meeting is open to the public and press.

At 6 p.m. Monday, the board will meet in executive session — closed to the public and press — to receive information about prospective employees and discuss individuals over whom it has jurisdiction; discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining; and discuss the assessment, design and implementation of school safety and security measures, plans and systems.

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