Local farmer receives Indiana River Friendly Farmer award


Indiana Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch addressed the 2023 Indiana River-Friendly Farmers on Aug. 9 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis.

This award, hosted by the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, honors farmers statewide for the implementation of conservation practices that protect the state’s natural resources, specifically waterways and soil health.

Nominated by the Jackson County Soil and Water Conservation District, local farmer Brian Thompson with B&A Thompson Grain Farm Inc. of Seymour was one of 42 farmers receiving this award this year.

Randy Kron, president of Indiana Farm Bureau, and several other Indiana Conservation Partner leaders offered thanks and appreciation to these farmers and landowners who go to the extra mile in protecting Indiana’s natural resources.

When asked what advice Thompson would give to new farmers or one who is hesitant to try a conservation practice, he said cover crops and no-till are long-term solutions to a long-term problem. A producer needs to commit to continuing ongoing use of these practices.

Sponsored by Indiana Farm Bureau and Indiana Corn Marketing Council/Indiana Soybean Alliance, the River-Friendly Farmer Award program began in 2000 and has honored more than 1,100 Hoosier farms.

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