Friends and Neighbors club meets


Memories were shared during roll call by the nine members of the Friends and Neighbors Home Extension Club on Aug. 23 at Cornerstone Community Church in Seymour.

President Ruby Niccum opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and recited the club creed. Secretary Helen Lutes read the minutes of the previous meeting, and they were approved after a few corrections were made. Donna Abner gave the treasurer’s report and also passed around several thank-you notes from 4-H members.

Ruth Bateman used 1st Thessalonians 5:11 for her devotional as a message to encourage each other and build one another up.

Under old business, Niccum informed the board she had picked up several boxes from Debbie Shubert and delivered them to Olga Otte.

Abner and Niccum reminded the ladies of the Bedford District fall meeting to be held Sept. 27. The board will need to give $11.50 each to Abner by Sept. 8 so she can make reservations to Skye Zakrzewski by Sept. 9.

Niccum asked the board to read the letter that is on the front page of Tell-A-Homemaker from Misty Stuckwisch, the new county president.

State dues for the homemakers are being increased by 25 cents next year, making the new total dues $14.75.

The Extension Homemakers Week will be Oct. 22 to 28 with the club’s bake sale happening Nov. 4. The board asks that each member bake something.

Vera Robbins, who works in leadership development, read several facts during the meeting. Some of the favorites facts of Lutes were that the longest one-syllable word in the English language is screeched, the word set has more definitions than any other word in the English language, the world’s largest orchid species collection is found at Ball State University and to have some of your most deepest and most heartfelt conversations, talk to your pet.

Jan Caplinger, co-hostess, gave a demonstration on food preparation in an air fryer. She prepared French fries and chicken strips, which she served as refreshments. Bateman, co-hostess, prepared a vegetable relish and drinks to serve with other air-fried items.

The next meeting will be Sept. 26 with Robbins as hostess.

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