Peacock reunion held near Austin


The 96th Peacock reunion was Aug. 13 at the Jennings Township Conservation Club northeast of Austin with 92 in attendance.

Presiding Sean Smith gave the welcome and invocation before the pitch-in. He also called the reunion to order. Eunice Lacey read the secretary’s report and also gave a little history of when the Peacock reunion started and where. Reunions started in 1927 in Paris Crossing and have since been held at Keith Grove/Woods, Scottsburg Park, Oard Spring School, Wesley Chapel, Eva and Bill’s home and Jennings Township Conservation Club.

Lacey has been the secretary and treasurer for 54 years and has enjoyed it.

There were three who have died since the 2022 reunion. They are Jackie Perkinson, son of Everett and Gevenia Peacock Perkinson and grandson of Marion and Lilie Peacock; Dale Perkinson, son of Jackie and Jeannie Coomer Perkinson and grandson of Everett and Gevenia Peacock Perkinson; and Curtis William Peacock, son of Manville and Mamie Davis Peacock and grandson of Herbert and Goldie Muchmore Peacock.

The election was held and officers are Sean Smith, president; Roscoe Peacock and Billy Snowden, vice presidents; and Eunice Lacey, secretary and treasurer. Lisa Conner and Cindy Clements will serve on the entertainment committee, and Everett and Bobby Peacock will serve on the refreshment committee.

Lisa Conner and Trina Johnson with the entertainment committee gave several gifts away by various means and ways. A large peacock backdrop was available for families to use for photos.

Next year’s Peacock reunion will be held at 12:30 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Jennings Township Conservation Club.

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