New $1.25 million grant provides new opportunities for IU graduate students


The IU School of Medicine was awarded a new $1.25 million grant that will provide new opportunities for graduate students that are typically underrepresented in biomedical science.

The funding is coming from the National Institutes of Health and is part of the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Program.

“The goal of this program is to develop a more diverse group of scientists earning PhDs and create more inclusive training pathways and programs,” said Tom Hurly, associate dean for graduate education and one of the principal investigators for this training grant. “This award is the culmination of a six-year effort to increase graduate student diversity and provide new mentored training opportunities.”

The grant provides funding for three new students per year who will each have two-year-long appointments with 15 total students funded through this program.

There are 10 different PhD training program offered at the IU School of Medicine. A committee will be established to select students for the IMSD program.

“Students will experience a training program that will include scientific writing and a robust mentoring program,” said Gustavo Arrizabalaga, assistant dean for faculty affairs, professional development and diversity and the co-principal investigator.

Arrizabalaga said students will still complete their core coursework in their chosen PhD program but also will have the opportunity to participate in additional training focused on writing, mentoring and data sciences thanks to the grant.

Students will work in a facility lab and receive mentoring from other faculty members who will complete specific training and workshops on how to best mentor the students.

“This is really about creating and maintaining supportive environments for the students to enter the biomedical science field and then be retained through graduation,” Arrizabalaga said. “We’re creating a pathway for future faculty hires and future industry experts to increase diversity both at IU School of Medicine and in the biomedical sciences field as a whole.”

The T32 grant is for five years and can be renewed for another five years, however; the mentoring program and training components established by this grant will remain at the school.

Arrizabalaga believes this will have a long-lasting impact on the diversity and inclusivity of the graduate program.

“We are developing culturally relevant mentoring programs and peer mentoring groups within this program that we hope we can roll out to more areas in the school over time to be more inclusive across all of the training programs we offer,” Arrizabalaga said. “We also hope these programs will be worthwhile for students and encourage them to remain here in Indiana or at Indiana University.”

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