Festivities take to the streets at Seymour’s Downtown Trick or Treat


Nice weather drew a large crowd to Seymour’s Downtown Trick or Treat, making it one of the most popular and well-attended local events of the year.

More than 1,000 children and adults, most in costume, flooded the downtown sidewalks Monday night for Seymour Main Street’s annual downtown trick or treating.

Some costumes were scary, including horror movie characters, monsters, witches and killer clowns, while others, such as the family from Bob’s Burgers, little Mister Peanut, the Hocus Pocus Sanderson sisters and several Stay Puft Marshmallow Men and Ghostbusters, put smiles on people’s faces.

While some costumes were store bought, other families decided to use their creative talents to craft some homemade costumes.

More than 50 local merchants participated by setting up shop outside their businesses to greet people and distribute candy and other goodies or by donating items to give away.

Eight-year-old Phoebe Cornett, daughter of Keegan and Brittani Cornett of Seymour, came dressed as a hot air balloon.

Brittani said Phoebe and her dad did some research and he likes to make cardboard costumes each year.

“… so they came up with this,” she said.

Columbus resident Sheila Nading was downtown with her large chocolate colored Newfoundland water dog, Hershey. Nading was dressed in a hospital gown and Hershey was wearing a lab coat.

Several other dogs joined in on the fun, too, including some dachshunds that were spotted downtown in hot dog costumes.

Owner of The Magic of Books Bookstore, Jenna Martinez, was dressed as a gypsy as she handed out candy to trick-or-treaters.

“I love doing anything for the community and I love Halloween, so I wanted to dress up,” Martinez said. “Stacy Harmon of 1852 Cafe loves Halloween, too, so we decided we would do this.”

Harmon wore a witch’s hat and was selling chocolate milk, apple cider and bottled water at the table next to Martinez.

“There have been a lot of good costumes, but my favorite so far was the mama, daddy and baby sharks,” she said.

Amanda Johnson, Meghan Taskey and a group from Centra Credit Union in Seymour set up a game station next to This Old Guitar, where participants could spin the wheel and pick a prize, such as Chapstick, squishies, pop-its and extra candy.

The fun continued after the trick or treating as members of the Seymour High School Marching Owls donned costumes, too, playing the theme to “Ghostbusters” to lead the annual Halloween parade.

Band members were followed by trick or treaters and their parents, giving them the opportunity to walk the parade route showing off their costumes to those who had gathered along the sides of streets to watch.

Sponsored by the Seymour Evening Lions Club, the parade is a longtime community tradition.

After the parade, participants gathered in the Smalltown Plaza parking lot for the costume contest, also sponsored by the Lions. Local photographer Margaret Wilson was busy taking photos of the event throughout the evening.

Local radio personality Jay Hubbard with 92.7 WXKU and 99.3 FM/1390 AM WZZB served as the emcee.

Costume contest winners were: Two years and under, Delainey Mickley (garden gnome); three and four, Violet Nolting (Ariel); five and six, Angel Traft (angel); seven to 10, Kaydee Bode (Dorothy and Toto); 11 to 14: Caroline Brumaugh (Yun Jin); 15 to 20, Jocelyn Hazelip (Cat in the Hat); adult, Heather Scott (devil); family, Hudson Maxie, Lainey Maxie, Bently Nolder and Riley Nolder (S’mores); and SHS band, Ben Marks (Mad Hatter). Each first place winner received $20.

Ultimately, it was the little angel with twinkle light wings and a halo that won over the judges as the grand prize winner, aptly named Angel Traft. She won an additional $20 to take home.

Deb Stout, Pam Hagen and Danny Stout were dressed in costumes in front of Stout’s Upscale Resale handing out homemade chocolate chip cookies to trick or treaters.

Deb said they spent a week baking 1,500 cookies for the event and bagged them up individually to give it a more personal touch.

“We have our store name on them so the parents know it’s OK for the kids to eat,” Deb said. “We’re trying to take pictures of everyone going by so we can post them online.”

She commented on how Danny is known as the singing salesman and had dressed as the singer Prince in a Facebook video earlier that day and wanted to wear the costume for the trick or treaters.

Deb said, “We decided to participate because it’s a way to give back to the community, who gives to us.”

As far as having a favorite costume from the kids who had stopped by their table, Deb said there were so many and they especially like it when the families dress up.

“We had one family come through all dressed like The Incredibles and that was really cute,” she said. “We like it when the parents get involved and they really try hard to show a good time to their kids, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Costume contest winners

Two and under: Delainey Mickley (lawn gnome)

Three and four: Violet Nolting (Ariel)

Five and six: Angel Traft (angel)

Seven to 10: Kaydee Bode (Dorothy and Toto)

11 to 14: Caroline Brumaugh (Yun Jin)

15 to 20: Jocelyn Hazelip (Cat in the Hat)

Adult: Heather Scott (devil)

Family: Hudson Maxie, Lainey Maxie, Bently Nolder and Riley Nolder (S’mores)

SHS band: Ben Marks (Mad Hatter)

Grand prize winner: Angel Traft

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