Paying tribute to mothers and mother figures


Mothers and mother figures are celebrated on the second Sunday of May each year.

For Mother’s Day this year, The Tribune asked people to share what makes their mother or mother figure special. Here are their responses.

Connie Langlais

I know I would not be where I am today if I did not have her in my life. Growing up, my mother was always there for me. If there was a problem, she helped me work it out, and I always knew she had my back. She always guided me in the right direction. She still does to this day. My mother raised her children to be strong, independent women and always encouraged us to do our best. Ask anyone who knows her and they will tell you she is a loving, caring and wise person. She takes care of everyone, not just her own children. She is a mother figure to other family members, friends, neighbors and even my friends. When my best friend got married, her own parents did not come to the wedding, but my mom was right there in the crowd. My sister and I live in Louisville, and when our children were born, she traveled many miles every week so they would not have to go to day care as infants. When my grandparents and uncle were in the last days of their lives, my mother rarely left their side because she did not want them to die alone. She has sacrificed so much of her life to help others. My mother is truly a selfless and special person. My goal is to be just like her with my own children. (Written by Leigh Ann Orner)

Barbara Reynolds

My mother has been the most influential role model in my life. She has taught me lessons that are invaluable. She is giving, patient and accepting. I have watched her kindness throughout my life, and my character has been permanently shaped by her loving heart. She has always been my biggest fan. When I was battling breast cancer in 2016/2017, she was by my side every step of the way. She loves me and my siblings unconditionally and shows the same grace to everyone near her. She is my family’s rock and keeps us grounded. When someone tells me I am just like my mother, I smile and take it as the highest compliment anyone could pay me. (Written by Tiffany Reynolds)

Carolyn Bowman

She is so special because no matter the mistakes I’ve made, she still opens her arms to me and looks at me with loving eyes. She never puts herself first and has always sacrificed for the ones that she loves, not because she had to, not because she’s a mom, but because she loves with all of her heart. I’m so thankful she is my mom. I love you, Mom! (Written by Brooke Titara)

Missi Clouse

What makes my mom so special is that she does everything for us. She cooks dinner, works two jobs, cleans the house and she is also there when we need her the most. Happy Mother’s Day to my mom! (Written by Brent Clouse)

Dorothy Waggoner

My mom is very special to me. She is there for us any time we need her. She tries to help out as much as she can, and she has been there for my dad. My mom has been through a lot losing a husband and a son. She still tries to hold it together. I love her very much and just want to let her know and thank her for everything. I love you, Mom, forever and ever. (Written by Brandie Edwards)

Bea Robbins

My mother is a one-of-a-kind mom and grandma. She is selfless and kind. She’s one to always offer help to anyone. It doesn’t matter who you are. My mom welcomes everyone. It is that selfless love she uses that makes my mom one of a kind. (Written by Mikka Moore)

Charlene McKinney

My mother has been by my side through childhood, which I didn’t make easy for her, through my education, through starting my own family and being the best grandma, through my own battle with cancer and through the now addition of her great-granddaughter. She’s my person. She’s my best friend and always will be. I love her so much. Happy Mother’s Day! (Written by Rachel Cravens)

Joanna Garrett

Thank you for everything you do for the family. You are much appreciated. Happy Mother’s Day! We are blessed to have you in our lives. We love you. (Written by Madyson Johnson)

Mary Lou Silence

She cares about everyone. She would do anything for you. (Written by Becky Reynolds)

Norma Davis

She’s my grandmother but mom and foster mom to over 300 children in over 30 years. Last year, she had several foster children living with her, and they set her house on fire. Then COVID hit and she stayed with family. Her house is still a long way from done, but she still wants to help children and get back to a place where her life matters the most. All my grandfather ever wanted to do was help people and take care of her. He passed in ‘84, and she has been there for all of us in ways that we could never imagine. She’s the most selfless woman I know. She is our everything. (Written by Joshua Tilford)

Dana Mejean

My mom is the most kind and caring woman I know. She has not had an easy life with losing my brother and my dad, but she continues to show the fierceness she has in her. Her faith to God and her love for her kids and grandchildren are truly amazing. She has always been our one true supporter in everything we do. I just want her to know she is so very loved and appreciated. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! We all love you so very much. (Written by Tamara Mejean)

Deborah Sons

This lady has been married to the same man, Bill Sons, for over 50 years, she has raised three great sons and has five grandkids. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer last September. She is beating it and still continues to fight every day. She is one of the sweetest ladies and has worked at Seymour schools in the cafeteria for over 28 years. She doesn’t complain even though she is sick. She supports every decision we make, and the world needs more of her. She will be 65 May 28, and it has all slowed down for her, but no matter how bad she feels, she still has a positive attitude and fights through it. She has been the stronghold of our family, and I think she deserves to know this. (Written by Landon Sons)

Janet Collins

I’m blessed to have a special person like you in my life. Words will never be enough to thank you for the lifetime of things you have done for me. I’m forever grateful for you. I love you! (Written by Vanessa Shelton)

Jason Jaggers

My brothers and I grew up without a mom, and this man stepped in, adopted us and raised us all on his own. He is and always has been our father and our mother. Recently, he added grandpa/grandma to his list of titles. We love you, Dad! (Written by Jewels Jones)

Roberta Fiscus

My mother had the biggest heart and was a mother of three. She loved to make people smile and laugh. She had the most infectious smile. She would always go above and beyond for her family. She is dearly missed. Happy heavenly Mother’s Day! Smile so the whole world can see. (Written by Myrandah Cornett)

Carrie Banister

It’d be easier to tell you what doesn’t make her special. She’s so selfless. Making sure everyone else is taken care of is always at the top of her priorities. She has always been the hardest worker I’ve ever known, and I’ve always felt like I’m the special one having her as my mother. I love you, Mom! Thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the last 26 years. Happy Mother’s Day! (Caitlin Banister)

Kristy Betz

She’s a wonderful mother. She makes everyone smile every day, and she’s always doing something for us kids. I love her to death. (Written by Lee Riley)

Jo Henthorne

She is irreplaceable. When we fell, she didn’t pick us up. She wiped our knees and told us to do it again. She has passed the same love on to our children/her grandchildren. Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day, Mom! We love you. (Written by Heather Sitterding)

Sonja Everage

My mom deserves the world, and I wish I could give it to her. My mom had five kids and we are all pretty close in age, and she has done her best to give us absolutely everything we have wanted all while battling with severe lung issues. My mom has gone above and beyond for every single one of her children, and I don’t think any of us could possibly imagine where we would be without her. We love you, Mom! (Written by Abigail Williams)

Lisa Wheeler

She is loving, caring, funny, strong, goodhearted and is always trying to make everyone happy no matter what. But above all, she is an amazing Nana to my daughter, and we love her dearly. (Written by Mahala Maxie)

Anne Carpenter

My mom is my best friend. I’m not really sure how I will ever make it without her one of these days. I’ve always valued our relationship, but as we both age, I treasure the time with her more than ever. I love you, Mom! (Tammy Carpenter)

Diana VonStrohe

My mom is a beautiful person inside and out. She’s the definition of strength, and I have always said that I would be happy if I could be half the mom that she was to me. We love her very much. (Written by Emma Green)

Leota Barnett

My grandma took me in and raised me. She is and always has been my mother figure. She’s the strongest woman I know, going through the death of my mother (her daughter) from cancer and then raising me. She beat breast cancer herself while still raising me. There are so many memories I will cherish forever of her, from helping clean the green beans in the garden to her sitting by my side at night until I fell asleep. She is my comfort and best friend, and I love her with my whole heart. I couldn’t ask for a better grandma/mom. She turned 75 this year. (Written by Kaitlyn Carr)

Darlene Beavers

My mother is very special to me because no matter how rocky of a relationship we have, she always has my back. She loves Elvis, and this year for her Mother’s Day present, my husband and I are getting her tickets to go to Graceland. She has always wanted to go but never had the money to go, so I’m making her dream come true. (Written by Dawn Grapevine)

Kim Schneider

My mother is special because of several reasons. Some of my favorite reasons are that the kindness in her heart is so big, she tries so hard to help everyone even when she can’t and she would break her back to help someone in need and to see the smile on their face. I have seen my mom brighten so many people’s lives over the years, and it makes me proud to call her my mother. Another favorite is because ever since I was a little girl, her and Dad have done more than enough to give my sisters and I the best life anyone could ask for. They have taught us to love and always keep God close and remember family is everything, blood or not, we are all family and to love with all your heart. She pushed us to follow our dreams and gave us advice on things to remember as we get older that has helped make life decisions so much easier. I am so thankful to know how to be a great mother to my little girl because I have her as a role model. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I love you! (Written by Veronica Sons)

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