Dog shelter budget approved


The Jackson County Commissioners recently approved a $98,500 budget for completing construction of the Jackson County Dog Shelter in Brownstown.

Construction of the shelter on county-owned property behind the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department started in the fall of 2018 but came to a halt in late 2019 when the private funds to build it began to dwindle.

The exterior of the shelter is basically complete with the exception of site work, but interior work remains, including purchasing kennels and installing a sanitary sewer line.


In October 2020, commissioners voted to ensure completion of the shelter and established the Jackson County Dog Shelter committee to determine the cost of that work and come up with an operating budget once it is up and running.

During their meeting Tuesday night, commissioners voted 3-0 to approve the budget, which also allows Independent Land Surveying to create plans that will be used to finish construction.

After subtracting funds already available to complete the dog shelter, approximately $50,000 is needed. Commissioners also were told the dog shelter will have an operating budget of $71,000 the first year.

The county presently has a contract with Ruth Riley, owner of Red Sky Rescue on Medora, to provide shelter for stray dogs in the county. The cost is $37,560 per year, and in the future, that money will be used to operate the dog shelter. Inmates from the jail will help care for the dogs brought to the shelter.

Commissioners President Matt Reedy, who also is a member of the dog shelter committee, said he believes there is “fluff” in the construction budget and what’s budgeted might be higher than what will be spent.

Reedy said he believes the remaining costs to complete the dog shelter can be funded by donations, and the same is true for operating costs.


“We’re entertaining all donations,” Reedy said. “Let’s compete one against another. Let’s see who can give the most.”

Recently, Aisin Chemical in Crothersville donated $10,000 toward the dog shelter, and Reedy expressed his gratitude at the meeting.

“I can’t say enough how much we appreciate Aisin Chemical’s donation,” he said.

Dan Davis, president and chief executive officer of the Community Foundation of Jackson County, attended the meeting to give an update on how much funding has been raised toward the dog shelter.

Currently, there is $25,530.01 available in the Jackson County Canine Shelter Fund, he said.

Since 2015, $249,966.66 has been raised for the dog shelter from that fund. The Community Foundation has already paid $236,400 to the county auditor to be used for construction of the shelter.

“We continue to be amazed at how this grassroots campaign was able to raise nearly a quarter of a million dollars in gifts large and small,” Davis said.

Some of the money for the shelter has been raised the through Fur Ball fundraiser. The 2020 Fur Ball was canceled due to the pandemic, but this year’s event is being planned for sometime in August.

Davis said the fund for the dog shelter has been a model for other projects, like a drive in 2020 that raised money for band uniforms at Brownstown Central High School.

“The foundation is pleased to see the county stepping up and moving this project toward completion and an opening,” Davis said. “It’s a community project that many, many people, businesses and organizations have had a part in making a reality. The recent gift to the project from Aisin Chemical is the latest in a long line of supporters working to make a difference.”

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Donations to the Jackson County Canine Shelter Fund may be mailed to Shelter Fund, Community Foundation of Jackson County, P.O. Box 1231, Seymour, IN 47274.

Donations, which are tax-deductible, also may be dropped off at the foundation’s office, 107 Community Drive, Seymour, or made online by going to and clicking on “Donate Now.”

Checks should be made payable to Community Foundation of Jackson County and include Canine Shelter Fund in the memo line.

For information, call Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer Dan Davis at 812-523-4483.

Donations can be anonymous.


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