Refuge selling Federal Duck Stamps


The Muscatatuck Wildlife Society, the nonprofit support group of the Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge, is selling Federal Duck Stamps.

Sales of the $25 stamp are being conducted off-refuge since the refuge visitor center is closed. Stamps may be purchased by emailing [email protected] or calling 812-522-7130.

Federal Duck Stamps have been buying wetlands for wildlife since 1934. Funds from the sale of the collectible stamps go into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund and are used only to buy land for wildlife. Many national wildlife refuges, including Muscatatuck, were purchased with Duck Stamp money.

A Federal Duck Stamp is part of the license requirement for waterfowl hunters nationwide. Today, many people who don’t hunt, including birdwatchers, hikers and wildlife photographers, buy a stamp annually to support wildlife conservation.

A Federal Duck Stamp serves as an entrance pass for any national wildlife refuge that charges fees and also makes great gifts.

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