Jackson County Plan Commission to consider requests


The Jackson County Plan Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m today at the Jackson County Courthouse, 111 S. Main St., Brownstown.

Items on the agenda include a public hearing for the proposed Dollar General at 6986 W. County Road 300S, Medora.

Upon reading of the rezone petition, the applicant will have up to 20 minutes for presentation. The board members may direct questions to the petitioner, and there is no time limit on this phase of the hearing.

Anyone in attendance who would like to speak in favor or opposition of the petition shall be recognized and will be limited to 3 minutes for presentation per person.

Repetitious testimony will not be heard by the board. If you would like to stand, state your name that you are in favor or opposition of the petition and that you reiterate the support or concerns of another interested party, that is acceptable.

Interruptions and/or comments from the audience at any point of the hearing will result in the person being asked to leave the meeting.

Masks will be required, and for anyone interested, a copy of the petition is available upon request from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays at the Jackson County Planning and Zoning Office in the courthouse. For information, call 812-358-6109 or email [email protected].

The nine-member commission also plans to discuss an application from Chad Reynolds with White Oak Custom Meats to construct and operate a slaughterhouse on 2.5 acres of land at 11331 E. County Road 500S, Crothersville, and a request from Tony Kidd of 3125 Elm St., Vallonia, to vacate two unimproved/maintained alleys.

The meeting is open to the public and press.

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