Where is your path taking you?


Last time, we concluded with a question: If you won’t follow Jesus, then who/what will you follow?

I invited you to consider the direction of your life. I want you to consider the path you are on. Where is it going? If you continue moving in the direction your life is headed, where is that path going to take you?

I have wrestled my way through these questions myself. I have given my life to Jesus. I made a commitment to a God that I’ve never seen. I made a promise to live according to a book that many don’t believe. And I can tell you sincerely, I have no regret about that decision.

That is why I can invite you to make a personal commitment to follow Jesus, too. I believe it’s a decision you will never regret.

If you choose not to follow Jesus, then who will you follow? Is the path you’re on leading to a place you want to be? We all follow something. We all follow someone.

I have seen God’s faithfulness. I’ve seen it in my life. I’ve seen it my family’s life. I’ve seen it in the lives of so many people that I have known. I’ve also seen something else. You’ve seen it, too. I have seen people living life without God.

I’ve seen people live life apart from the context of eternity. That’s why I decided to go all in. I hope you will do the same. I have taken all my fears, all my doubts, all my questions, and I placed all my faith, trust and confidence in Jesus. I’m so glad I did. I hope you will, too.

Isn’t it interesting the people who knew Jesus personally, the same people who walked with him and talked with him, are people who wrestled with many of the same issues we do?

John could have left this story out of his gospel (John 6:60-69). He didn’t have to tell us about it. It looks bad. Why should he include it? The reason it is in the Bible is because it happened.

Then and now, people have questions. They have doubts and concerns about life, faith and eternity. That’s normal. But at some point, all of us have a decision to make. We must answer a simple question: What will you do about Jesus?

Have you answered that question personally? There are really only two options. I can accept him or I can reject him. To delay the decision is rejection, at least for the moment.

Steve Greene is the lead pastor of The Point in Seymour. Read his blog at pastorgreene.wordpress.com or email him at [email protected]. Send comments to [email protected].

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