Ladies Aid meets at Immanuel Lutheran Church


Ladies Aid 3 of Immanuel Lutheran Church met Aug. 18 in the fellowship hall of the Seymour church.

Vice President Ann Mahan called the meeting to order, and 15 members answered roll call.

The Rev. Jimmy Rodriguez gave the opening prayer and topic. Hearts for Haiti, led by Rodriguez, is a missionary project that Jackson County supports and is in need of 2,500 masks to start the school year. They also are in need of food due to a shortage of supplies. The Rev. Thomas Bernard has served many years as pastor of Good Shepherd in Haiti.

The secretary and treasurer reports were given. A motion to accept was by Sandi Helwig and seconded by Ginny Fenton. Reports were accepted as read.

The staff appreciation lunch will be at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 22. Anyone planning on attending may contact Carol Hill.

Visitation for the months due to the COVID-19 pandemic is being done by notes or cards by mail.

Helwig made a motion that the November craft show be canceled this year. It was seconded by Rosalie Grabinski.

The Christmas party committee has announced a caterer, and entertainment has been scheduled. More information will be released later.

Janice Mundt passed around a cheer committee list for verification of members’ birth dates and anniversaries. This information is for current updates so cards may be sent.

The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

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