Is there a way that you can help?


(Portland) Commercial Review


You’ve read that word on this page a lot over the last few weeks.

We need to work together.

We are in this together.

We will make it through together.

Part of that message of togetherness though seems to not be getting through.

The commentary following Gov. Eric Holcomb’s decision to extend the state’s stay-at-home order was met with a certain amount of vitriol, not toward the governor but fellow Indiana residents. Some lashed out at those who are not following the stay-at-home orders, who have been seen going into stores as a full family.

There are certainly those who are simply not making any effort to follow the advice and/or orders being handed down by medical professionals and our government leaders. They continue to live their lives as they did before the coronavirus pandemic hit, doing whatever they please.

When it comes to those, we share in your frustration.

But, several commenters on our social media also pointed out that, for some, it’s not a simple task to take a solo shopping trip. There are single parents. There are parents whose spouses are on the road working for days at a time.

It’s not always easy to get out alone.

That said, if you find yourself in that position, you have some better options than putting your entire family at risk.

Walmart, for instance, offers curbside pick-up. Triple Taxi Service in Portland offers grocery delivery. The Rock Church is shopping and handling other errands for those in at-risk groups. Or you could call and ask a family member, friend or neighbor to help you out.

Meanwhile, if you find yourself in a position of frustration when seeing someone apparently not making good decisions when it comes to the stay-at-home order, try a path other than rushing to social media to complain.

Instead, ask yourself this question: Is there something I could do to help?

As difficult as this situation is, it has also provided endless opportunities to do good.

You can shop for someone who may find it difficult to get out alone.

You can sew face masks to be distributed in the community.

You can simply call or text your friends and neighbors to find out if there is any assistance they might need.

We can’t control how others behave. And some are always going to ignore the rules.

We can, however, control our own words and actions.

Let’s make sure our words are kind and our actions helpful.

The more of us who follow that mantra — together — the better off we all will be.

Send comments to [email protected].

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