Learn more about college financial aid at event


Seymour High School will host Financial Aid Night at 5:15 p.m. Oct. 9 in the auditorium before the annual Jackson County College Fair.

High school students and their parents are encouraged to attend the information session to gain a better understanding of the student aid process and how best to begin planning to fund their higher education.

A student aid expert from INvestEd will be available to provide information and answer questions.

Parents and students will learn how to apply for all types of financial aid, including completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which is required to determine eligibility for most student aid programs, including the federal Pell Grant, institutional awards and federal student and parent loans.

The Jackson County College Fair will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the auxiliary gym.

The college fair is a valuable resource for both underclassmen and seniors. Seniors are given an opportunity to obtain college applications and ask pertinent questions regarding scholarships, housing, class size and available programs, while underclassmen and their parents are introduced to the college selection process.

The college fair provides students the opportunity to gather general information from many institutions, which can be sorted through later as families begin to think about qualities they are looking for in a postsecondary education.

Information: Nikki Storey at  812-522-4384

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