Farmers market profiles: Bowman Produce and Roller and Grove Farms


The Seymour Area Farmers Market will be open from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday in the Walnut Street Parking Lot located south of the railroad tracks near the Jackson County Public Library in Seymour. The market also is open from 8 a.m. to noon Wednesdays.

Here’s a look at two of the vendors and their products.


Bowman Produce

Names of people who sell at the Seymour market: Steve and Celeste Bowman, Peggy Bowman, Nick Bowman

Number of years you have sold at the Seymour Area Farmers Market: 20 years

What items do you sell at the farmers market?

We sell all types of produce: Tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon, zucchini and yellow squash. In addition, most years, we sell a larger variety, including sweet corn, green beans, broccoli and cabbage. We have also partnered with our close friends, James and Stephanie Connolly of Connolly Family Farms, to provide packaged pork and fresh eggs.

Where is your farm located?

Bowman Produce is located in Reddington.

How long have you been farming?

Our family has been farming for five or six generations.

Do you farm full time or is this a side business or hobby for you?

Farming is a side business for us.

What made you want to start your farm?

We were both raised in the country on farms, and it is who we are. We are being true to our design. Farming teaches/reinforces so many life lessons, and our children have been able to learn those lessons.

What about the market makes it beneficial to you as a farmer?

It provides a means to meet with and sell our goods to the community.

What do you enjoy most about selling your goods locally?

We enjoy spending time with and getting to know the other vendors and our customers. We really enjoy the friendships that we have made.

Why do you think folks should shop the market?

Because they can meet the people who produce their food and other goods. They can gain a better understanding of the farming practices that have been used to produce their food and build a trusting relationship with the farmer.

Roller and Grove Farms LLC

Names of people who sell at the Seymour market: Jacob and Maria Grove with the help of Kylie and Kade Grove and Marsha Gahimer

Maria Grove of Roller and Grove Farms in Medora holds one of their freezer-wrapped Angus beef products available at the Seymour Area Farmers Market.
Maria Grove of Roller and Grove Farms in Medora holds one of their freezer-wrapped Angus beef products available at the Seymour Area Farmers Market.

Number of years you have sold at the Seymour Area Farmers Market: Four years

What items do you sell at the farmers market?

We sell locally raised Angus freezer beef by the individual cut or by the quarter, half and whole. The Angus breed is known for its great marbling, and our farm also does not use hormones or antibiotics in our finished calves. On occasion, we have a small amount of produce to sell.

Where is your farm located?

We are located in Medora on the west side of Jackson County.

How long have you been farming?

We were both raised on our own family farms, so really, we’ve been farming all our lives. We officially came together and seriously got involved around 2010. We had cows but bought our first Angus bull in 2012 to improve meat quality in our herd.

Do you farm full time or is this a side business or hobby for you?

We farm full time.

What made you want to start your farm?

Farming sometimes isn’t the easiest occupation, but it can be very rewarding. We were both raised on family farms and wanted our children to experience what that is like. We also have a passion for raising cattle and providing the best meat possible for not only our family but our community.

What about the market makes it beneficial to you as a farmer?

We try to be at the market every Saturday if possible. This market gives our farm the opportunity to have a place that our customers know we will be the same time every week.

What do you enjoy most about selling your goods locally?

We love the customers at the market. They almost always want to learn more about our beef or give us great recipes to try.

Why do you think folks should shop the market?

We have a great variety of produce, meats and other items at this market. And the best part is you are helping support our local farmers and vendors.

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