DSI emergency fund seeking support


Developmental Services Inc. is asking the community to support its second annual Client Emergency Fund Drive during the holidays.

The fund is a safety net for DSI clients who have immediate needs and government financial supports are delayed or unavailable to help.

Last year, DSI reached its fund goal of $5,000 — much of which was used for such needs as purchasing coats for clients who walk or ride their bikes for transportation and temporary rent and utilities for an individual who had just switched guardians.

This year, the goal is $7,000. With its recent merger with Four Rivers Resource Services and resulting larger client base, DSI is anticipating a greater need for support for the fund.

There are no administrative costs charged to donors for the fund, and 100 percent of designated contributions are used to help individuals with disabilities in need.

Anyone can give online at dsiservices.org by clicking the Donate tab. Write “Client Emergency Fund” in the Restricted For box.

Founded in 1975, Developmental Services Inc. is a nonprofit organization serving children and adults with disabilities in nearly 60 counties in Indiana. Those services include early intervention, job training and placement, residential living options, respite care, health and wellness, after-hour activities and community networking and integration.

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