Awards annnounced during Delta Delta meeting


The Delta Delta chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met Sept. 5 and Oct. 3 at the Community Foundation of Jackson County in Seymour.

Stacey Brummett called the September meeting to order. During roll call, members answered “What was super about your summer?”

Awards from this summer’s state convention were announced. Sheryl Lamb received the Gold Link award, and Dee Hess received Member of the Year award. The chapter received first, second and third place for philanthropic awards, third place for state project awards and third place for St. Jude donations.

The fall conference was Sept. 30 in Danville. Kara Abraham presented the treasurer report and announced that $15 chapter dues were due.

Mary Anne Schneider reported ways and means will have a fall and spring conference table. Planned fundraisers are dining out coupons, poinsettia sales, chapter raffles and a spring garage sale.

Barb Grant presented the educational on the Hope for Hero coupon project. She asked members to collect, cut and sort coupons so they can be sent to military families.

Grant also passed out the philanthropic budget and discussed projects, including mum sale, Oktoberfest $999, craft day and Relay for Life.

President Tonja Couch called the October meeting to order. Roll call was done by members answering “What superhero would you want to be?”

Couch thanked Susan Waltz for stepping up to become vice president. Waltz asked members to write down some ideas for an upcoming membership rush.

The educational was information on Easter Seals. The philanthropic report was given.

Linda Hofer reported the mum sales profited $1,428 from 408 mums sold. Hofer also discussed the Oktoberbest $999 booth, and a schedule was passed around for members to sign up.

Grant announced that craft day will be Nov. 11 at the Community Foundation.

The ESA One Step-One Miracle Relay for Life team is selling Texas Roadhouse gift certificates and rolls.

Libby Kimmel reported on the ways and means poinsettia fundraiser. Forms were mailed out Oct. 5. She also reminded members to start saving items for the spring garage sale.

The next meeting will be Nov. 7 at the Community Foundation.

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