Coming together: Residents roll up sleeves, begin plans for annual Day of Caring


On May 9, hundreds of local residents will gather at various sites across Jackson County with one purpose in mind — making a difference.

The event is the Jackson County United Way Day of Caring.

“This is a day we can collectively change just a little piece of our world,” said Karen Brooks, who co-chairs this years’ 21st annual event with Ron Duncan.

“We all care for our fellow man, and we all can do something to help each other,” Brooks said.

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While there are many projects in Seymour, Brownstown, Crothersville and Medora, projects in the smaller communities in the county also will receive attention.

The list of projects already scheduled for May 9 range from cleaning and painting the historic Carr High School building in Weddleville just west of Medora to installing walkways at the Jackson County History Center in Brownstown. A project also is planned for Red Sky Rescue, a dog shelter in the Medora area.

In addition to the individual projects that are planned through the United Way, volunteers will be canvasing neighborhoods in Seymour, Brownstown and other communities trying to help with any work that might need to be done.

“We don’t have too many limitations on the projects,” said Bonita Dobbs, program manager for Jackson County United Way. “They can’t be potentially dangerous, like going onto roofs, and they can’t be inside. Beyond that, there aren’t many restrictions.”

Dobbs said the emphasis will be to help the elderly first because they are the ones who may be in more need of aid than others.

Last year, the Day of Caring committee set a goal of matching 1,000 volunteers to 100 projects throughout Jackson County with a focus on the Seymour area. The group exceeded that expectation, as there were 1,091 volunteers and 160 projects.

This year, the group hopes there will be more than 1,500 volunteers.

“What a difference we can make in one day by coming together and helping others,” Duncan said.

Dobbs said for the volunteers, seeing the achievements they can make when they work together is one of the most beneficial things, but for those receiving the services, it’s much different.

“For the individuals who are receiving the services, many are on limited income, including the elderly, and they can’t afford to pay for those services normally,” Dobbs said.

The group has some project requests lined up, but Dobbs said “not nearly enough.” Day of Caring officials will probably receive more requests for help the closer it gets to the day of the event, she said.

Anyone interested in submitting a project, volunteering or becoming a sponsor may call the United Way office at 812-522-5450 and speak with someone about a form to submit or volunteering. Volunteers and project requests also may be submitted through the Jackson County United Way’s Facebook page or online at

“Seymour and Jackson County care for their communities and care about each other, and that’s what the Day of Caring is,” Dobbs said.

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What: 21st annual Jackson County United Way Day of Caring

When: May 9

How to submit a project, volunteer or become a sponsor: Call the United Way office at 812-522-5450 and speak with someone about a form to submit or volunteering. Volunteers and project requests also may be submitted through the Jackson County United Way’s Facebook page or online at


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