Letter writer questions post’s removal from Tribune Facebook page

To the editor:
This letter is in response to removing a comment from a public post made by The Tribune, in regards to the Pacey’s newly acquired Townhouse café, in Seymour, Indiana.
My picture comment was factual, not manipulated and missing no details of a post that she herself
(Mrs. Pacey) posted, available to the public to view. I made no threats, or called her any curse words. A good number of people who in the past have dined at that restaurant are in the age group that she specifically mentioned in her post. It is completely reasonable to believe that the public has a right to know how not only a business owner, but also someone who has attempted to run for public office talks about people, potential customers and quite frankly, how she handles her emotions when faced with opposing views and stress.
Had any name calling, threats, posting of private information occurred I would not only understand, but expect censorship. However, none of that happened. It was simply a factual representation of her views of people that she disagreed with. I’ve been told that she apologized for her statement, and that’s great. But in all fairness, I have seen other people apologize for statements in the past, and The Tribune has allowed individuals to comment and post on your page and articles, without removing the content.

In closing, if you’re going to allow that for some, you should allow that for all. That’s fair, that is reasonable. Removing my factual comment was not. The fact of the matter is she posted it, for the public to read and see. It was disrespectful and rude, and she ended her comment with a smile.
However much people might disagree, there is no excuse for what she said, the intent of it, with the smile at the end.
Kevin Kaplan, Seymour