City announces tulip project for roundabouts


In the fall of 2023, the city of Seymour planted the first 1,000 yellow tulip bulbs in the roundabout on South Walnut Street.

The yellow bulbs were planted to grow mental health awareness, an idea brought to the city by a member of the Key Club at Seymour High School. The club also planted 500 more bulbs at the Seymour sign near the interstate.

As the first 1,000 bulbs bloomed this spring, the city enjoyed the explosion of color it gave drivers as they passed. This also led the city to realize that another roundabout just a short hop over on South O’Brien Street could be just as colorful, if not more.

After much discussion, the city has decided to call it the unity roundabout and plant it with mixed tulips starting in the fall of 2024. The first bloom will be in spring of 2025.

“Today, I am asking you to help us add to one or both roundabouts for next spring,” Mayor Matt Nicholson said in a news release.

Tulip bulbs cost about $0.20 per bulb. The Walnut Street roundabout fully planted will take a little more than 28,000 bulbs, or just over $5,600 to finish. Each 1,000 bulbs adds several more feet each year.

Visit to learn more about the meaning behind yellow tulips.

Drop off or mail donations to city hall, 301-309 N Chestnut St., Seymour.

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