On This Day


100 years ago

Barely miss bad wreck at Rockford

Only by turning their Ford sedan south down the tracks of the Pennsylvania railway at the crossing of that railway and State highway No. 1 at Rockford enabled Ralph Harrison, 35, of 429 North Delaware street, Indianapolis and his companion, John McGraff, also of Indianapolis, from perhaps instant death under a southbound Pennsylvania freight train this afternoon at 1:45 o’clock.

75 years ago

Many 65 losing social security

Many qualified workers over 65 here are losing monthly social security benefits because they believe they must be completely retired before they file a claim for benefits, according to Russell C. Anderson, manager of the New Albany office of the Federal Social Security Administration.

50 years ago

Plans well under way for Oktoberfest parade

Plans for the second annual Seymour Oktoberfest Parade scheduled for October 4 are well under way, Glen Wolter, parade chairman, announced today. Wolter said grand marshals for this year’s event will be Indianapolis Motor Speedway owner, Tony Hulman, and Miss Indiana.

25 years ago

Hoosier snuffs campfires

Drought conditions have left the Hoosier National Forest tinder dry, said Chris Peterson, fire management officer on the forest, forcing the U.S. Forest Service to ban open burning until conditions improve.

The closure order pertains to anyone on national forest lands and includes campfires, Peterson said.

“The fire danger has been very high to extreme for weeks now and as we seen on nearby private lands, a single spark can ignite a major wildfire,” he added.

The forest includes 22,864.3 acres in Jackson County.

The Hoosier’s ban is implemented in conjunction with Gov. Frank O’Bannon’s prohibition on open burning in Southern Indiana.

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