Wendy Cartwright: Midwest Wonders … Small Town USA


I mentioned in my last article that I recently went on my first ever cruise to Mexico.

I also mentioned how hot and humid it was. There was another interesting thing that I noticed after I got home.

Traveling is the worst part of traveling. It wears a person out. Going to the airport, sitting on the airplane, catching a shuttle to the ship, and getting through the lines take a very long time.

Then you have to do it all again on the way home. It’s generally worth it though. The cruise was a fantastic experience. I’ve already booked more. But, I was exhausted on that last day of my trip navigating the travel with my friends. We departed the ship at 8 a.m. and I didn’t arrive at my apartment until nearly 10 p.m.

Even though I was extremely tired, it took a little while to wound down before going to bed. I

made the necessary phone calls to tell the people that are close to me that I had arrived home safely and I simply sat on my couch for some time and enjoyed the fact that I was still. My body had been in motion almost constantly for a week.

While on the cruise, I shared a stateroom with two friends. They slept in single beds on the cabin floor while I slept on a Murphy bed that was 2/3 of the way up the wall. It was very comfortable and I learned to navigate the aluminum ladder with ease.

During the night, the ship didn’t sway. It made more of a bouncing motion as it went over the wakes in the water. It was very soothing and I realized why babies are lulled to sleep in bouncer seats. I slept well every night I was on the cruise.

The night I got home from my adventure, when I finally laid in my bed to go to sleep, I noticed something. Crickets! Oh, the wonderful song of crickets. How could I have forgotten?

The crickets that are outside my window seem a lot larger than any I’ve ever seen. And … they are loud.Their volume has never bothered me. It’s like getting the atmosphere of camping without being in a tent. Which, by the way, suits me fine. I’m not a fan of sleeping out doors. The bouncing of the boat was nice. I didn’t expect to sleep so well while I was on the water. But, laying in my bed, in Indiana, with the crickets chirping loudly outside my window, was just what I needed to get a wonderful night’s sleep.

Wendy Cartwright hails from the North Vernon area and has lived there most of her life. She has a love of sharing her thoughts on growing up in the Midwest and other stories from her life. She spends her days reading and writing in the home she shares with her husband and chihuahua. Send comments to [email protected].

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