Murphy-Davis reunion held at Seymour church


The 51st Alvin and Maudie Davis reunion was held Aug. 25 at Central Christian Church in Seymour with 25 present.

Melissa Shunney gave the invocation before the pitch-in meal.

LeRoy Davis II presided over the meeting with the election of officers for 2025 being held. The new officers will be LeRoy Davis II, president; Betsy Ackeret, vice president; Eunice Lacey, secretary and treasurer; Shunney and Edie Thompson, entertainment committee; and Robert Peacock and Amanda Thompson, refreshment committee.

The next reunion will be held Aug. 24, 2025, in the fellowship hall at Central Christian Church. The pitch-in dinner will start at 1 p.m.

JoAnn Webster will continue to buy the flowers for the Maudie and Alvin Murphy graves around Memorial Day.

The secretary brought the scrapbook and added more pictures and other things of interest to be added to it. Leroy Davis I had died since last year and it was added to the book. His funeral was Aug. 24.

The entertainment committee gave a gift to the youngest person present, Laura Peacock; the oldest man, LeRoy Davis II; oldest woman, Sue Payne; and the person who came the longest distance, Jackie Riehl, Seattle, Washington.

Relay games were played and games, and everyone present left with a gift to take home.

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