County Board of Zoning Appeals to meet at courthouse


The Jackson County Board of Zoning Appeals is scheduled to meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the former courtroom at the courthouse at 111 S. Main St., Brownstown.

There is no old business on the agenda.

In new business, Rose Acre Farms LLC has submitted an application to county department of planning and zoning for a special exception to allow for an additional 80-by-505-foot pullet house to an existing confined feeding operation at 6162 N. County Road 225E, Seymour. Three 50-by-500-foot pullet houses already exist on the 38.18-acre site.

The county plan commission gave the request a favorable recommendation during its August meeting.

In a related matter, Rose Acres Farms also is seeking two variances related to construction of the pullet house. The first would vary for the required rear setback of 200 feet to 106 feet to align it with the existing pullet houses.

The second would eliminate required 6-foot high and 3-foot-wide buffering/screen planting because they increase the risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza by wild birds to the flock. The trees and shrubs would provide nesting/roosting areas for wild birds close to the pullet houses, the company said.

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