SPARK Energy Innovation Challenge: Fostering Sustainable Solutions in Jackson County


In partnership with Duke Energy, SPARK Jackson County has announced the launch of the SPARK Energy Innovation Challenge, a competition designed to promote innovation, economic growth and renewable energy projects within the county. This initiative aims to empower local entrepreneurs, students and innovators to develop groundbreaking solutions in the areas of renewable energy and sustainability.

“Growing rural economies can be challenging, but the leadership in Jackson County is doing an excellent job of highlighting the unique qualities that make Jackson County special. This is why Duke Energy is proud to support SPARK Jackson County and this program,” said Kylie Foster, the government and Community relations director of Duke Energy, Indiana.

The challenge begins with a launch workshop at 6 p.m. Sept. 18.

This workshop will feature industry experts from Duke Energy and Hoosier Energy, who will discuss the basics of our electric supply system and explore current opportunities and challenges in energy innovation. This event also will serve as a celebration to kick off the Energy Innovation Challenge, fostering excitement and engagement within the community.

Following the workshop, teams of two to four members will have approximately six weeks to develop their innovative ideas. The competition is open to anyone in Jackson County, high school students and older. During this ideation period, teams will have access to a suite of mentors, including subject matter experts from the electric energy industry, tech development, business case development and pitch presentation. These mentors will provide guidance and expertise to help teams refine their projects and prepare their pitches.

The challenge will culminate in a pitch competition in early November, where teams will present their ideas to a panel of judges from Duke Energy, Hoosier Energy, and other innovation leaders. Each team will have five minutes to pitch their idea, followed by a Q&A session with the judges. The winning team will be awarded a $2,000 cash prize, courtesy of Duke Energy, to further recognize and incentivize their innovative solutions.

Expected Outcomes

The SPARK Energy Innovation Challenge aims to achieve several key outcomes:

  • Innovation: Development of at least 10 new renewable or sustainable energy project ideas.
  • Community Engagement: Direct engagement of 50-100 local entrepreneurs, students, and innovators, fostering increased community interest and participation in renewable energy initiatives.
  • Economic Growth: Enhanced job creation and skill development within the community, driven by the participation of local companies in workshops and mentorship roles.

Interested participants may register online to join this transformative challenge. Teams must form and register before the launch workshop. All participants are required to attend the workshop and participate in the final pitch competition. For information and to sign up, pvisit

SPARK Jackson County is a dynamic initiative committed to igniting the entrepreneurial spirit and fostering innovation within the community. By offering comprehensive support through programming, coworking spaces and funding opportunities, SPARK aims to position Jackson County as a leading destination for business development and innovation in rural Indiana.

“Partnerships like the one we have with Duke Energy are vital for the growth of our local businesses. We are grateful for their support in making the SPARK Energy Innovation Challenge a reality,” said Dan Robison, director of the Jackson County Chamber. “These collaborations fuel economic development and empower our community to explore new opportunities in sustainability.”

For information about the SPARK Jackson County, visit or contact [email protected].

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