Brownstown church offering GriefShare classes


The next series of Grief Share support group sessions will begin Tuesday at Brownstown Christian Church, 703 W. Spring St.,

Each class will begin at 6:30 p.m. and end around 8 p.m. The sessions continue for 13 weeks with the final class finishing on Nov. 26.

Grief Share is a part of the church’s ongoing support ministry for those who have suffered the loss of a friend or family member to death. Each Grief Share session deals with a specific aspect of grief and gives help on how to work through it.

The course will be led by Doug Pogue, an associate minister of the church.

The entire course is 13 weeks, but each session is so individually focused that you can join at any time. There is no cost to the course as several of the local funeral homes have provided the necessary funding for books.

The group will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday evenings. Participants may enter through entrance No. 1 under the canopy just off Bridge Street. If you have questions, call Pastor Pogue at the church office at 812-358-4172.

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