Visitor center discusses hotel not paying taxes


The Jackson County Visitor Center board met Wednesday at the center at 100 N. Broadway St.

County Attorney Susan Bevers carried the legal conversation about a hotel chain that has been dodging innkeeper’s tax for roughly two years, give or take a few months where they did pay.

Director Arran Banks, who was unable to attend the meeting, was under the impression that the business was closed until she called the previous week and, without identifying herself, was able to book a room, board President Shawn Busby said.

The last report from the hotel was said to be last year, one of the only months they did pay that year. With this pattern, the board has to consider taking more drastic measures, such as an audit, which comes with it different penalties based on their inconsistent reports.

“We’ve never done that, actually, in nearly 20 years now that I’ve been the county attorney,” Bevers said. “We’ve never actually had to do an audit.”

The board made a motion to reach out to the hotel and let them know the board is planning to request an audit to see if that jolts them into cooperation before they officially take that next step.

Grants that were approved by the board including $250 for Jackson County Humane Society’s Dog Days of Summer event, $400 for Parents Organization of Seymour Swim Team Inc.’s Seymour Splash, $400 for the Pickle Ball Association’s ribbon cutting ceremony and $400 for Medora Brick Plant and Historical Site’s Kilnfest.

The grants and the Visitor Center is 100% funded by innkeepers tax which is paid by visitors to the area who rent rooms at local hotels and do not receive any funding from state, federal or city entities. The county’s current Innkeeper’s tax rate is 5% of every dollar.

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