Peacock family gathers for annual reunion


The 97th Peacock reunion was Aug. 11 at the Jennings Township Conservation Club with 91 in attendance.

President Sean Smith gave the welcome and invocation before the pitch-in dinner.

Smith called the reunion to order. Eunice Lacey read the secretary’s report and also gave a little history of the Peacock ancestry starting with William 1 who is buried at Wesley Chapel United Methodist cemetery on the west side of the road.

Eunice Lacey has had the secretary and treasurer positions for 55 years and has enjoyed it.

There were two who had died since the last reunion. They were Richard “Jack” Seaver, husband of Judy (Bridge), son-in-law of Nathan and Alice Peacock Bridge, great-son-in-law of Marion and Lila Peacock; and Lowell Peacock, brother of Francis Maynard Peacock.

Elected to office for 2025 were Sean Smith, president; Roscoe Peacock, vice president; Eunice Lacey, secretary and treasurer; Suzanne Jackson, Ryan Payne and Angie Jones, entertainment committee; and Everett and Bobby Peacock, refreshment committee.

Lisa Conner, entertainment committee, gave a gift to Sue Payne, the oldest woman present; Clinton Peacock, oldest man present; Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Peacock of Florida, traveling the longest distance; Mr. and Mrs. Sean Smith, most children present (eight); Misty Peacock, person with the most peacock pins on them; and Maddox Beswich, son of Jaylee Walker and Jeremy Besick, babies born since last year.

Next year’s reunion will be held with a pitch-in dinner at 12:30 p.m. Aug. 10 at the Jennings Township Conservation Club.

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