Seymour youth football league still looking for more players; Registration ends Sept. 3


The Seymour Youth Football League is still looking for kids who want to play the sport. Players have until the first practice of the season to sign up this year. The first practice takes place on Sept. 3rd at 5:30 p.m.

Flag Football is for first and second graders, while third and fourth graders begin playing tackle football.

All games and practices will take place at Jackson Elementary School, which will make scheduling games and practice much easier since it is at the same location.

The league is looking to have 150-200 kids participate in the upcoming season. Seymour Youth Football Coordinator Jacob Toppe mentioned that the league is well short of that now.

“We would love to see 150-200 kids playing this season,” Toppe said. “Currently we have 70 signed up. Everyone still has time to get signed up.”

“The cost of the league is free, parking is free, we will have a small fee to get into the games each week,” he added.

The only thing players will provide is cleats and secondary equipment (Visor, arm sleeve, mouthpiece, etc.)

All registered players will be placed on teams in accordance with the school they attend. Please note that due to smaller numbers at some elementary/private schools there may be players placed on another team to help accommodate spots. This will be decided by registration order.

Toppe also said that each coach and referee will be trained accordingly. He also encouraged kids who have never played to come out and try the sport.

“Come out and give it a try. You will miss out on every opportunity you do not take,” Topp said. “The league is free, so if you decide that football isn’t for you, then you are out nothing.”

Toppe enjoys being a teacher and helping with these youth kids.

“My favorite part about being involved with youth is the experience,” Toppe said. “I love helping and teaching children and being a positive role model in the child’s life. I don’t know what goes on in the home life, so if I can be a person to help them out or being someone, they feel they can talk to it’s great.”

The link to sign up is here:

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