Medora town council and school board meet


MEDORA — The Medora Community School Corporation’s board of trustees and town council both met Monday for regularly scheduled monthly meetings.

During the town council meeting, Medora resident Phillip Mead shared grievances with in regard to a town ordinance requiring him to move vehicles off the yard of his property.

Mead said he felt “discriminated against” because other town residents with vehicles in their yards have not had their vehicles tagged by the town.

“I just want to get along with everybody [but] what’s in my yard ought to be my business and nobody else’s,” Mead said. “If it’s hurting their eyes, that’s the reason they make Visine and dark glasses.”

Councilman Brad McCammon assured Mead that he was not being discriminated against and the town is in the process of dealing with other offenders.

“First of all, we have a whole page that we’re dealing with; you’re not the only one,” McCammon said. “If you feel like you’re being discriminated against, that’s your right to feel that way, but you’re not … We’re not singling out people. We’re not trying to be the Gestapo here, but we’re trying to make things look a little better in town and have pride in our property. That’s what we’re trying to accomplish. It’s not going to make everybody happy, but it’s not our job to make everybody happy.”

“We just can’t do everybody right now,” Councilwoman Rhonda Freeman said.

At the July town council meeting, Town Marshal Josh Lepage requested council approval to proceed with receiving a quote for an evidence locker that will primarily serve as a gun safe. He also requested a toolbox and a small chainsaw for his truck to help clear storm debris.

On Monday, Lepage let the council know he has received quotes for both items: $499.99 and $399.99 for the gun safe and toolbox, respectively. Council members discussed the possibility of using pandemic relief funds to purchase those items but did not make a definite decision on the matter.

At the school board meeting earlier in the evening, trustees approved several resignations and replacement recommendations, in addition to part-time contracted services such as school nurse, preschool coordinator and speech pathologist. Trustees also approved a pickleball clinic to be held in the high school’s gymnasium on Aug. 31, sponsored by the Brownstown Pickleball Association.

Other school board agenda items included the approval of the school’s Teacher Appreciation Grant (TAG), under which “effective” teachers are paid a higher stipend. Superintendent Roger Bane noted that the board renews the TAG policy annually.

The Medora school board of trustees meet at 5 p.m. on the second Monday of every month in the library at Medora Junior-Senior High School, 82 S George St.

The Medora Town Council meets at 6 p.m. on the second Monday of every month at town hall, 27 N Perry St.

Council and school board meetings are open to the public and the press.

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