Seymour graduate receives P.E.O. STAR Scholarship


Elise Hartung, a 2024 graduate of Seymour High School, was selected to receive a $2,500 STAR Scholarship from the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) Sisterhood. She was recommended by P.E.O. Chapter DN of Columbus Debbie Carroll.

The scholarship was established in 2009 for exceptional women in their final year of high school to attend an accredited postsecondary educational institution in the United States or Canada in the next academic year. The competitive scholarship is for women who exhibit excellence in leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, community service and potential for future success.

Hartung is the daughter of Dr. David and Monica Hartung of Seymour. She is a National Merit Finalist, co-chair of the Riley Dance Marathon and a member of Seymour High School’s athletic board. She has received numerous academic and athletic letters and awards for tennis, soccer, jazz band and pit orchestra. She plans to enter the pre-pharmacy school at Butler University.

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