Back in Action; Braves hold annual red and black football scrimmage


BROWNSTOWN — Coach Reed May said he saw some good things and some things his Brownstown Central football team needs to work on from the Red-Black Scrimmage at Blevins Stadium Friday night.

“Defensively, I thought we played well, but did our defense play well or did our offense not play very well,” he questioned.

“I thought Owen (Wischmeier) did a great job at linebacker. We expect him to play well. Offensively, I didn’t think we sustained blocks very well. I was very disappointed with our offense. Hopefully, our defense is that good and that’s what happened.

“Obviously, we’ll have a better idea (at) Bedford next week, which one it was. We didn’t sustain blocks the way we should, and we didn’t fly around the blocks the way I thought we would, so we’ve just got to watch the film to see what happened.”

May has six starters returning on offense and seven starters back of defense.

“We played a lot of sophomores last year,” May said. “We should be a decent team, so what I saw tonight was kind of disappointing. I thought we’d be a lot better now. We’ll watch film all week, so we’ll adjust.”

There are only seven seniors on the 59-man roster, Roshaun Hehman, Jaden Disque, Easton Branaman, Greg Hutcheson, Cameron Markel, Jaidryn Kiser and Talan Hughbanks.

Disque is in his second season starting at left tackle on offense, while Hehman is in his first year starting at tight end and left cornerback on defense.

Disque and Hehman both said the Braves have a lot of work ahead.

“I just make sure I stay on my blocks and open some lanes for the backs to get through,” Disque said.

“We need to work on staying on our blocks a little bit more, moving our feet. There were a lot of times we would get to our blocks, but we couldn’t stay on our blocks long enough for the backs to get through.

“So, we need to work on that during practice and make sure we’re still chopping our feet and getting through the hole. The film will help a lot.”

The players didn’t have to fight the heat and humidity Friday night, and Disque welcomed the cooler weather.

“You’ve always got to get used to the heat,” he said. “It’s football and it’s going to be hot at times. You’ve just got to work through it.”

Hehman said, “Our focus is on running the ball and giving our backs the best opportunity to, but if a pass play is needed then, yes, we do get the ball. It just depends on who is open.

“I really like drags (pass patterns). Drags are fairly easy to get open on, and it’s just the fact of having speed, catching the ball, and making a play overall. That’s my favorite route.”

Hehman enjoys playing defense. “Normally I’m on a receiver. My responsibility is not to get beat deep, and I just have to come up and make plays when a play is needed.

“Our offense, we need to set our blocks longer, and give our backs the opportunity to make a play, and we need to finish through the whistle, and not stop

“Defensively, we played well tonight. It definitely helps knowing our own playbooks. We need to build on this scrimmage and get better.”

The Braves will open their regular season Aug. 23 at Corydon.

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