Columbus church to host Season of Creation Mass


St. Bartholomew Catholic Church in Columbus has been selected by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis to host the Season of Creation Mass on Sept. 24.

The event will begin with a musical presentation beginning at 5 p.m., with Mass to follow at 5:30 p.m. There will be a reception following in the parish hall. Archbishop Charles C. Thompson will celebrate the Mass.

The Season of Creation, which is takes place from Sept. 1 to Oct. 4, is an annual celebration for all people to pray and respond to the care of our common home. It is a time for the ecumenical family to reflect and act on how we as human beings care for the earth and its resources. The theme for this year’s event, “To hope and act with Creation,” is inspired by Romans 8:19-25.

The Mass is hosted by St. Bartholomew Catholic Church and its Care For Our Common Home Ministry, in conjunction with The Creation Care Ministry of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

All people regardless of faith affiliation are invited to attend. St. Bartholomew is located at 1306 27th St., Columbus.

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