On This Day


100 years ago

Trainer horribly mangled by lion

Circus fans of Seymour and Brownstown who were at Bedford Friday afternoon to see the Hagenback-Wallace circus were horrified by an attack made by a Nubian lion, Caesar, on his trainer, John Helliott, and the saving of the trainer’s life by an attack made by Helliott’s pet lion, Wayup, on the monster that had sunk its fangs into the trainer’s flesh. The 8,000 people who were witnessing the performance were thrown into a state of terror as a free for all fight among the lions followed and circus attendants wielded hooks and forks in the rescue of the prostrate trainer.

75 years ago

Local man stars in Hawaiian ball game

Don Eugene Waggoner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Waggoner, 622 Mill street, recently played an important role in a baseball game in Hawaii, where he is stationed with the armed forces, according to a write-up in the Trypler General Hospital’s paper.

50 years ago

Arvin sale proposed

Preliminary discussions which have resulted in an offer by Cummins Engine Company to purchase the Arvin Seymour plant were announced today by Arvin. Both firms, Cummins Engine Company, Inc. and Arvin Industries, Inc. are headquartered in Columbus.

The terms of the offer, now under consideration by Arvin, proposed the outright purchase by Cummins of the Arvin land and 347,000-square-foot building owned by Arvin on East Second street.

25 years ago

School rules: They’re for teachers, too

Seymour Community Schools’ principals have been told to meet with the system’s educators and tell them there will be no longer be dress-down days for teachers.

“We’re not setting a dress code,” Superintendent Kenneth Kidd said. “We’re just encouraging them to dress professionally. If we’re going to ask our students to dress a little better, then we should be setting an example.”

Kidd was referring to a policy recently endorsed by the school system in response to the rising incidence of school violence around the nation.

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