Braves middle schoolers grinding through the summer with football camp


BROWNSTOWN— Fresh off their history-making 2023 undefeated season, Brownstown Central Middle School is back on the gridiron this summer looking to continue their dominance in 2024. The eighth grade team went undefeated last year.

The football program held its middle school camp throughout the week, gearing up for the upcoming season beginning next month. BCMS eighth-grader and wide receiver Nolan Nehrt spoke about his experience during football camp.

“We learned a lot about specific plays and a lot about footwork,” Nehrt said. “Just stuff on how to play the game the right way and mainly they just taught us fundamentals.”

Nehrt has been awaiting his opportunity to be a wide receiver and is chomping at the bit to show what he can do this season for the Braves.

“I’m looking forward to trying out my new role and position at wide receiver this year,” Nehrt said. “I’ve wanted to be a wideout for a while. I used to always love playing during recess.”

Nehrt believes it all starts with the offensive line if the team will have success in 2024.

“It starts up front. We have to have good snaps and consistent blocking,” Nehrt said. “After that, it is just everybody doing their part. The rest will fall into place.”

Nehrt, Brennan Wingler, Trenton Millick and Cooper Vague will play eighth-grade football this season, after helping as seventh-graders last season when the team got into injury trouble.

Incoming seventh grade quarterback Noah Lambring was asked about his week at middle school camp. He described the process of the camp.

“We started off with testing out the speed of everyone,” Lambring said. “Then we got fitted for our equipment, before we began working as a team and figuring out positions and everything.”

“Then we started figuring out some things to allow us to be successful as a team,” he added.

The QB believes in working as a team and said that it is his favorite part of the sport.

“I like football because it’s a team sport, not one person can be all the difference,” Lambring said. “It requires a group of guys who want to work together.”

Lambring is playing his first season of middle school football. He’s excited to take the field this fall for the Braves.

“I’m excited to get out there for my first season of middle school football,” Lambring said. “I’m ready for all the road bus trips and all of our games this season.”

The new QB is ready to help and be a leader for the team this upcoming season.

“I’m looking forward to helping my teammates out and hopefully winning some games this season,” Lambring said.

The middle school program is part of the feeder system to the high school, running a complex Wing T offense with a lot of motion.

Brownstown Central High School football players were out helping at the middle school camp, including starting varsity quarterback in Micah Sheffer.

Sheffer was delivering passes to wide receivers, some of whom will be freshmen next season, while Sheffer is a senior. The varsity QB spoke about the chance to help the BCMS kids during this week.

“I love helping out with the younger kids. That’s the best way for them to get better is by the older kids showing them the mistakes they have made,” Sheffer said. “It’s always cool getting taught by the people who play on Friday nights too. I always remember watching them and thinking that they were the coolest people ever. Now getting the opportunity to mentor these kids is a great opportunity.”

Last season, Brownstown Central High School squad compiled a 9-2 record, dominating opponents in all their victories. The team advanced to the sectional semifinal where they fell to Triton Central 28-17 in an absolute war.

Sheffer said he is looking forward to getting back on the field.

“I’m looking forward to just playing in general. It’s been a long time since we played a football game and we ended last year with a heartbreaking loss,” Sheffer said. “We have gotten a lot better and worked very hard this off season. I think we’re just ready to get back at the teams we lost to and show everyone that we’re a new team.”

Brownstown Central opens their varsity football season at Corydon Central at 7 p.m. Aug. 23.

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