Crothersville FFA members accomplish multiple achievements


CROTHERSVILLE — Six Crothersville FFA members attended the 95th annual Indiana FFA State Convention from June 17-20 at Purdue University, West Lafayette.

During their time at there, they were able to accomplish a multitude of achievements for their chapter according to chapter officials.

Chapter President Baron Riley participated in the state level Multimedia Scrapbook competition, while Rayleigh Lewis and Ava Hodge competed in the Discovery Degree Plant and Soil Science Demonstration. In those competitions, Lewis and Hodge placed fourth.

Chapter FFA members attended the first general session where their advisor, Linda Myers, was given the opportunity to partake in the opening ceremonies.

The chapter also was recognized as a Gold Level Donor, which represents the amount of donations they had raised for FFA. In honor of Myers retiring, Crothersville FFA “went all out,” as Riley explained it, donating around $1,000.

Then, FFA members attended the second general session. Following that session, delegated members made their way to the Stewart Center, where they voted on the Section IV director and the district officer slate.

Riley was elected as the 2024-2025 District XI secretary. As district secretary, Riley will work with 30 ag programs across 11 counties individuals such as Audrey Newkirk, who is president of the Seymour FFA chapter and District XI officer.

Riley said he is proud of bettering both himself and the other members through his time with FFA.

“It’s heartwarming (to be elected),” said Riley. “I feel blessed beyond measure.”

Brayden Crater and Corey Engleking were awarded the Hoosier Degree, which is the highest degree that can be bestowed by the state association.

Following the session, members attended the dance where they were able to socialize and mingle with FFA members across the state.

Lewis and Hodge were awarded their plaque for their outstanding demonstration. The chapter was also honored as a Gold Ranking and Superior Ranking National Chapter. As a Gold Level chapter, Crothersville’s FFA will be moving on to the national level.

Despite their size, Riley said their chapter works harder than one can imagine and deserves being able to nationally compete. He thanked everyone for all the effort they have put in to make this a reality.

“It’s amazing to see how much a little school can do,” said Riley.

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