County planning commission to meet Tuesday


Members of the Jackson County Planning Commission will gather at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday for their regularly scheduled meeting at the Jackson County Courthouse, 111 S. Main St., Brownstown.

New business on the agenda includes a request from Richard T. Moyers, 4414 W. Second St., Freetown, for the county to vacate all of Second Street lying east of a 12-foot alley, south of Lot 5A in Block K of the Isaac Smith addition to the town of Freeport and north of Lot 8 in Block J of the Isaac Smith addition.

In his petition, Moyers said Second Street ends at his east property line and he is having issues with public driving to the dead end and turning around in the lawn/adjoining field. He also said the portion of Second Street described in his petition is not the county highway department’s road/street inventory.

The meeting is open to the public and the press.

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