All Thumbs Garden Club holds meeting at refuge


All Thumbs Garden Club’s monthly meeting was held June 13 at the Muscatatuck Wildlife Refuge Visitors Center.

Linda Sullivan introduced Cathy Reed Weber who spoke about Rachel Carson and discussed her book, “Silent Spring and the Silencing of the Birds.”

Carson was a scientist, journalist, and according to some, the mother of the modern ecological movement. She was especially concerned about dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane aka DDT. In her book, Carson attributed the decline in the bird population to the overuse of DDT and similar synthetic pesticides. The years following her book saw the establishment of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Rachel Carson died in 1964 and was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Jimmy Carter.

At the end of Weber’s presentation a question and answer session was held.

President Bridget Molinari called the meeting to order. Bridget thanked the hostesses, Bridey Jacobi, Shelley Whitcomb and Ann Windley. She also thanked Linda Sullivan for her three years as president of the club.

Nancy Fleming reported on a local Blue Star Memorial Highway marker. This memorial is a tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America. It is sponsored by South East District Garden Club of Indiana in cooperation with the Indiana State Department of Transportation.

The memorial was located on U.S. 50 but was recently moved to Crossroads Community Park in Seymour. A dedication will be held at 10 a.m. Oct. 12 at the park.

Linda Sullivan and Nancy Fleming assisted in planting sun and shade begonias in the front garden of the Seymour Museum Center at Third and Chestnut streets.

Diane Hurless, the Southeast District director, reminded the club of the upcoming wildflower workshop to be held Sept. 12 in Marion.

Molinari reminded everyone of the July meeting. The club will be sharing flowers and fellowship with the residents of Autumn Trace Assisted Living Community.

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