Wendy Cartwright: Midwest Wonders … Mullets


I’m sitting at the tire shop this morning. My tires need rotated and one is a little low. I’m really not a bad driver, but, when I ride the yellow line, the rumble strips affect my tire pressure.

As I sit, I’m filled with wonder. Are mullets part of the dress code here? Three of the gentlemen in the service bay are “business in the front and party in the back.”

I’m not making a judgement about the hairstyle. In fact, seeing three mullets in one location made me smile.

A second question hit me. Vintage styles are a trend these days. I wonder if people in different regions revisit past styles that are specific to them exclusively.

I don’t recall seeing a younger person in Indiana trying to revive the high fashion trends that may have been seen in Los Angeles in the 80s and 90s. I see lots of mullets.

Maybe mullets were high fashion and I have a faulty memory. It’s easy to forget sometimes.

Anyhow, I would like to commend the men at the tire shop. You guys keep rocking your mullets. And if it is, in fact, part of the dress code at this establishment … you have a repeat customer.

Wendy Cartwright hails from the North Vernon area and has lived there most of her life. She has a love of sharing her thoughts on growing up in the Midwest and other stories from her life. She spends her days reading and writing in the home she shares with her husband and chihuahua. Send comments to [email protected].

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