Alan Winslow: Normies strike back


I thank “Substack” writer, Rod Dreyer, for my column title. Mr. Dreyer uses this heading to describe ordinary Europeans’ disgust with and resistance to the elite class that rules Europe today.

Actually, these elites have been at it a long time, harassing normal folks (normies) who simply want to raise a family, pay the bills, feel safe and deal with the ordinary. But it appears that Europe’s ruling elites feel so blessed with special qualities that their status permits them to exercise an “enlightened” tyranny over their lesser subjects.

Hence, they have determined that what used to be normal is outdated and bigoted and must be chucked if Europe is to acceptably advance and develop.

Therefore, mass illegal immigration must be accepted and even approved, and don’t you dare ask those immigrants to assimilate and show gratitude.

No siree.

Oh, and you must be reeducated to appreciate all sexual diversity, especially the mental disorder of gender dysphoria as a new form of normal. Your kids best learn that the sexes, male and female, are both unscientific constructs and are outdated. Of course, sex identity is not discovered at birth but assigned and can therefore change.

Well, in reaction to all this, and more, regular folks (normies) in Europe are “striking back.” They are shifting away from liberal social justice politics to populist parties supporting the traditional and the normal.

And, Mr. Dreyer quotes from an essay by a former CIA analyst, Martin Gurri, this:

“’What is the conflict about?

“’The normies want to get on with life. They want to work, get married, have children — boring stuff. That’s what normal means.

“’The elites, for their part, wish to change everything: sex, the climate, our history, your automobile, your diet, even the straws with which you slurp your smoothie. For them there is no good and evil, no right and wrong, only oppressors and oppressed. Every transaction demands their intervention to protect designated oppressed groups. [Thus,]“Social justice” translates neatly into “elite control.”

And, my how the elite class loves the power to control the normies.

Well, back in Seymour, I happened to read Mr. Dreyer’s column this same week as the Seymour City Council voted down the Brookings-Institution-brokered Burkhardt Opportunity Zone Agenda (BOZA).

For me a meaningful coincidence.


Because on May 27th, as on March 25th, concerned Seymour citizens (normies) had pushed back against an elitist, abnormal city development Agenda and city council voted against it, eventually unanimously.

What was so abnormal about BOZA?

BOZA treated massive illegal immigration to Seymour as an unexceptional phenomenon and carried with it an implication that Seymour was neglectful of the resultant housing deficit.

And the Agenda imagined a construction of an estimated 1,800 housing units, a massive combination of housing projects to make things right for Seymour’s illegal non-citizens. That is, Seymour was to shoulder an obligation to build and keep building as illegal immigrants appeared on the scene.

And the normies of Seymour resisted and said “Stop! This isn’t okay. This isn’t normal.”

And city council listened and took action in support of normies.

Now, somebody in leadership from Seymour needs to repeatedly say “Stop the illegal immigration here. We can’t keep this up. We’re past a limit. Give us time to adjust and let’s help these non-citizens assimilate to Seymour and American ways (such as learning not to trash city parks after picnics and recreation).

“We must no longer be a ‘destination’ at the whim of illegal economic immigrants.” (But we are pleased to be a destination for legal and refugee immigrants.)

Yes, I say we must have a breather and an opportunity to build community with these 5,000 precious human beings. And that takes time. And it’s a two-way street.

Meanwhile, our current federal government does not care one whit if 10,000 more illegals press in upon Seymour. Brookings’s Agenda signaled that clearly. They are the elite class acting the way Washington and European elites act: the needs and preferences of normies merit little regard.

Now, in response to our very able mayor’s comment about a locally-generated Seymour development plan probably looking similar to the one from Brookings: I say,

“It Better Not.”

No matter the pressures, no housing projects for Seymour. Any comparable housing project will harm Seymour, a community worth protecting, and incentivize more illegal immigration.

And though we have a deficit in housing stock (created by massive illegal immigration), let time sort that out. Let builders and housing-seekers respond to the market.

And let the elites’ ideas create disorder elsewhere. (That’s the way they roll.)

Otherwise, our mayor and city council will not-so-innocently sabotage the future of our fine small town.

Alan Winslow, a resident of Seymour, occasionally writes a column for The Tribune. Send comments to [email protected].

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