Owls, Cougars kickoff summer with youth soccer camps


The first few weeks of summer have been busy and a lot of fun for the Seymour and Trinity Lutheran soccer programs. Both hosted youth camps this week.

The Owls hosted all groups of kids at the same time in different stations, while the Cougars split up groups of kids into different sessions.

Seymour boys’ head coach Matthew Dennis spoke about the importance of the relationship between high school athletic programs and youth programs.

“Most of our players begin in rec and travel soccer in Seymour. I speak all the time about the need to give back to the game,” Dennis said. “Soccer gives us so much in our youth and never asks anything of us. So, when we’re older, it’s time to pay it back to the game. Kids at the camp this year will one day be playing under the lights and becoming mentors to the youth during a youth camp.

“This week, our high school players get to repay some of what the game gave them and form bonds, while our youth gets to know the program that I hope they’ll be a part of for years to come. We kept it fun. We played lots of games while trying to teach a little skill. I think our players found a new joy in the sport by taking in the role of coach and facilitator. But most importantly, I think the kids at camp had enough fun to continue on their journey in soccer.”

Camp participants David Lemming and Penelope Dennis spoke about their experiences throughout the week and their favorite parts.

“I really enjoyed the scrimmages, friendship, and progressing and getting better at the game was a lot of fun this week,” Lemming said.

“My favorite part was getting to know everybody, and all the fun games we played to get better,” Dennis said. “Throughout the week, we worked on agility, strength and teamwork.”

Both kids were also asked about their favorite part of the sport.

“I enjoy the teamwork, how we help each other out, the competitive players and the spirit of the sport,” Lemming said.

“I’ve played soccer from a very young age, watching my dad compete,” Dennis said. “My favorite part of soccer is working with one-another, and all of the teamwork required.”

Like a good-chunk of Seymour high-school soccer players, Lemming got his start with the Seymour Cyclones. Dennis will be heading into seventh grade and will be playing for the middle-school soccer team this fall. She spoke about what she is looking forward to

“The quick pace is what I’m excited for, along with meeting new people and growing our games,” she said.

Out at Trinity Lutheran High School on Thursday evening was their youngest group. Full of kids from Pre-K through third grade.

Trinity girls’ soccer head coach Emilee Lang spoke about the camp this year for the Cougars.

“Youth camp gives my players and myself and chance to give back, and work with younger kids who like playing soccer and hopefully want to continue playing as they get older,” Lang said.

Lang talked about what she wants the kids to take away from the 2024 kids camp.

“First off, I hope the kids have fun and leave camp each day with a smile on their face,” she said. “Second, I hope they take some of the drills we do each day and go home and work on them. Lastly, we hope we have some new Lady Cougar Soccer fans, and the kids want to come out and support our team once the season starts.”

Soccer seasons are not far away as both programs will begin practices to kickoff their 2024-25 seasons in less than two months.

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